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My cruise was cancelled due to a previous global suspension. I rebooked and now my new cruise has been cancelled. What happens to my refund and/or Future Cruise Credit?


If you were booked on a sailing departing through April 10, 2020:

  • If you used a 125% Future Cruise Credit and paid additional monetary funds on a new booking within this extended suspension period, you’ll receive two 125% Future Cruise Credits: one for the original booking and another equal to 125% of any monies paid towards cruise fare on the new booking.

If you were booked on a sailing that was cancelled by Royal Caribbean from April 11th, 2021 through October 14, 2021

  • If you used a 125% Future Cruise Credit and paid additional monetary funds on a new booking within this extended suspension period, you’ll receive one credit for the value of the original Future Cruise Credit plus 125% of any monies paid towards cruise fare on the new booking. 

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