14 Night Spanish Transatlantic Cruise在Odyssey of the Seas从羅馬, 奇維塔韋基亞, 意大利 Cartagena, Spain Coastal View
-该14 Night Spanish Transatlantic Cruise由羅馬, 奇維塔韋基亞, 意大利 访问 巴塞隆拿, 西班牙; Valencia, Spain; Cartagena, Spain; Málaga, Spain; 馬德拉島 (豐沙爾), 葡萄牙; 自由角 (紐約), 新澤西州. 浏览我们的邮轮行程,并从不同取决于你的需求和预算的房间的选择。通过选择一个目的地和出发港口规划你的下一个邮轮假期。
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14 Night Spanish Transatlantic Cruise
Itinerary Overview
Explore Odyssey of the Seas
Day 1 - 羅馬 (奇維塔韋基亞), 意大利
Day 2 - 巡航
Day 3 - 巴塞隆拿, 西班牙
Day 4 - Valencia, Spain
Day 5 - Cartagena, Spain
Day 6 - Málaga, Spain
Day 7 - 巡航
Day 8 - 馬德拉島 (豐沙爾), 葡萄牙
Day 9 - 14 - 巡航
Day 15 - 自由角 (紐約), 新澤西州
Cartagena, Spain Coastal View
View of a secluded coastal beach in Spain

14 Night Spanish Transatlantic Cruise

羅馬 (奇維塔韋基亞), 意大利
Odyssey of the Seas
羅馬 (奇維塔韋基亞), 意大利
离去在5:00 PM
巴塞隆拿, 西班牙
从8:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Valencia, Spain
从8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Cartagena, Spain
从8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Málaga, Spain
从8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
馬德拉島 (豐沙爾), 葡萄牙
从8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9 - 14
自由角 (紐約), 新澤西州
到达6:00 AM
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你的船 Odyssey of the Seas

Odyssey of the Seas
Odyssey of the Seas Sailing Summer Cruise Cyrpus
Odyssey of the Seas Sailing Summer Cruise Cyrpus
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Odyssey of the Seas


從來沒有一艘遊輪的頂層甲板能全方位為你譜寫難忘回憶 — 在「甲板衝浪」暢玩模擬沖浪,或是坐上「甲板跳傘」感受無重力自由落體的快感。在歷來最大的海上多功能運動場®盡享遊戲樂趣,你可玩碰碰車和夜光激光槍戰。更可到位於重新設計上層甲板的極致互動遊戲場,暢玩滾球競賽等各種經典遊戲。


你的味蕾為餐飲旅程準備好了嗎?無論你喜歡哪一款美食,海洋奧德賽號定能滿足你需要。歡迎到全新 Giovanni's 意大利餐廳兼葡萄酒吧,品嚐添注現代新意的正宗小酒館菜式。在「遊戲製作人」運動酒吧和遊樂場大啖賽事日招牌美食與冰爽啤酒。前往仙境坊創意餐廳創意美食,充滿創意的菜式在驚喜滿載的環境中奉客,恰似童話盛宴!無論身在何方,你都可以品味到遠東知名美饌 ─ 熱辣辣奉到你桌邊的鐵板燒,還是手工卷壽司,都一應俱全。


悠閒時光,更上一層樓。你可到成人日光浴場好好放鬆心情。樂隊翻唱歌聲「幾可亂真」,吸引你安坐悅音廳的舞池前方,沉醉忘返;而「270 度景觀廳」的整片空間由空中飛人、機械人等統領,表演節目不斷,當中的頂尖科技讓你目瞪口呆。來一趟美食之旅,寵愛你的味蕾;無論是賽事日招牌美食與冰爽啤酒,以至熱辣辣奉到你桌邊的鐵板燒,還是手工卷壽司,都一應俱全。悠閒時光,重新定義。

天1: 羅馬, 意大利

奇維塔韋基亞, 意大利
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Colosseum
View of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy
离去在5:00 PM
羅馬擁有 28 個世紀的歷史,為遊客提供無可比擬的歷奇冒險之旅。這座曾為世上最大帝國的城市今天依然充滿活力,將年代久遠的遺跡、世界知名的藝術和充滿生氣的街頭文化融於一身。在這裡,你可一嘗意式美好生活——重溫古羅馬的輝煌歲月,同時在意大利小餐館裡品嚐意粉。你亦可乘著名叫 Ape Calessino 的三輪車欣賞有百年歷史的大教堂,或博爾蓋塞別墅 (Villa Borghese) 一睹出自意大利大師之手的傑作。無論是梵蒂岡城 (Vatican City) 的宗教魅力,還是特拉斯提弗列 (Trastevere) 的後街風情,還是羅馬鬥獸場 (Colosseum) 的迷人歷史,這個永恆之城都可為你提供無盡的歷險之旅。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Pantheon
The Pantheon in Rome, Italy


不妨漫步走過古羅馬的心臟地帶。你可從鬥獸場 (Colosseum) 開始探索,了解這個曾供角鬥士奮勇戰鬥的巨型競技場。之後到羅馬廣場 (Roman Forum) 遺跡走一圈,順道看看多個神廟和大教堂遺跡。最後可看看皇帝曾居住的帕拉丁山 (Palatine Hill),並近距離欣賞擁有 2000 年歷史、保存完好的萬神殿 (Pantheon) 教堂。
Insider tip
奇維塔韋基亞和羅馬之間的火車,單程大約需要 80 分鐘。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Piazza Navona
A fountain in Piazza Navona in Italy


不妨漫步探索每個羅馬廣場,了解各自的特色。你亦可在納沃納廣場 (Piazza Navona) 享受戶外用餐,並到西班牙廣場 (Piazza di Spagna) 登上西班牙台階 (Spanish Steps)。來到熱鬧的特拉斯提弗列 (Trastevere),一定要漫步於鵝卵石小巷中;之後再到坎波菲奧里 (Campo de’ Fiori),看看手工藝攤位。記得投幣進特雷維噴泉 (Trevi Fountai),祈求願望成真。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy, Statues
Statues in the Vatican Museum


你可先到梵蒂岡博物館 (Vatican Museums) 欣賞非凡的掛毯和古典雕像藏品。之後走進西斯廷教堂 (Sistine Chapel),一睹米高安哲羅的天花板壁畫。接著步入聖彼得大教堂 (St. Peter’s Basilica) 這座世上數一數二大的教堂,觀賞其高聳的巨型圓頂。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy, Pizza and pasta
Pizza, pasta, and antipasta on a table in Rome


羅馬人以食為天,無論是家庭式餐館,還是路邊咖啡廳,他們都一樣喜愛。要一嚐正宗的羅馬菜,可試試名叫紅燒雅枝竹 (carciofi alla Romana) 或卡邦拿意粉 (spaghetti alla carbonar)。不可不吃的還有有餡意大利三文治 (panino) 及薄脆皮羅馬式薄餅。意式雪糕 (gelato) 是甜品的不二之選,嗜甜的朋友一定會喜歡。最後喝杯來自拉齊奧 (Lazio) 地區的白酒作結,為整天劃上完美的句號。
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy, Colosseum Vatican Models
Minitature models of the Colosseum and Vatican


要選購最佳的紀念品,城內四處都有的路邊攤是你的不二之選。孔多蒂街 (Via Condotti) 設有一系列意大利高級時裝店。沿著瑪爾古塔街 (Via Margutta),可找到多間藝術家工作室;來到蒙蒂 (Monti) 區,則可見眾多的獨立藝術品零售商。波特塞門 (Porta Portese) 是城內最大的跳蚤市場,而 La Rinascente 則是城內第一間百貨公司,均不容錯過。

天2: 巡航

Mom and Son on Bumper Cars
Mon and Son Driving and Enjoying the Bumper Cars
Girl Splashing Boy at Splashaway Bay
Kids Enjoying Splahaway Bay on Harmony of the Seas


Ripcord by iFly Instructor with a Kid
Boy Enjoying the iFly with Instructor


Oasis of the Seas Adventure Ocean Workshop Girl Doing Art
Oasis of the Seas Adventure Ocean Workshop Girl Doing Art


Girl Trying the Circus School
Girl Trapeze at the Circus School


海上多功能運動場 (SeaPlex®) 內設有頂級的室內活動空間,而免費的空中飛人學院更會為你提供所需的課程。

天3: 巴塞隆拿, 西班牙

Spain Barcelona La Sagrada Couple
La Sagrada Couple Walking
从8:00 AM - 7:30 PM
巴塞隆拿是最多遊客到臨的西班牙城市,箇中原因不難明白。巴塞隆拿是西班牙加泰隆尼亞的首府,城中處處可見著名馬賽克磚畫作品,反映它二千多年豐富的文化歷史大雜燴,見證著這裡有著名的陽光海灘,出類拔萃的建築,和世界知名享用美酒佳餚之地。加泰隆尼亞建築大師安東尼高迪的現代主義作品城內處處可見,印記著他的偉大手筆,你亦可去到哥德區 (Gothic Quarter) 各大大小小的廣場欣賞中世紀時代的珍貴建築。走進奎爾公園 (Park Güell) 內造型奇特的園子必令你樂而忘返。有下廚興趣的話,何不參加由廚師主理的加泰隆尼亞菜式烹飪班。瀏覽畢加索和米羅的藝術藏品,或是乘坐纜車到蒙特惠克山 (Montjuïc Hill) 山頂,沿途盡覽城中景色。
Spain Barcelona La Sagrada Familia Interior
La Sagrada Familia Interior Colorful


近距離欣賞加泰隆尼亞建築大師安東尼高迪偉大傑作 — 聖家大教堂。先觀賞使人驚嘆、高聳入雲的教堂尖頂,然後進入教堂內欣賞手藝精致的馬賽克磚畫、蒙特惠克石柱,和描述耶穌誕生的教堂立面。你甚至可以攀上教堂尖頂俯瞰巴塞隆納市無敵靚景。
Insider tip
Spain Barcelona Barceloneta Beach
Barceloneta Beach at Sunset


巴塞隆納港口海濱擁有多達 7 個海灘,地中海海岸線長度超過兩英里,是追求在陽光普照下進行水上歷奇者的理想去處。你可在海傍懶洋洋地靠躺,或是在碧藍海水中扒獨木舟,也可租船出海垂釣,看看有否運氣釣得吞拿魚、劍魚或地中海旗魚。
Insider tip
Barcelona, Spain La Rambla Shops
Street view of La Rambla in Barcelona, Spain, with shops lining the street


沿著蘭布拉大道 (La Rambla) 步行街漫步,感受巴塞隆拿真正氛圍。紀念品店、街頭藝術家、賣花小攤檔、小巷咖啡廳,以及加泰隆尼亞傳統民族舞蹈表演者,讓你融入生趣滿溢的景致之中。這景色的焦點所在便是於 13 世紀興建的巴塞隆納主教座堂 (La Catedral) 和塔樓,讓你感覺中世紀的巴塞隆納就在眼前。
Spain Barcelona Sparkling Cava Wine
Couple Enjoying the Local Sparkling Cava Wine


巴塞隆納掌握食的藝術已達巔峰。很多餐廳均供應新款西班牙菜式,而海傍周圍不少店子亦供應西班牙海鮮飯,多道菜的午餐更包西班牙汽酒。要試試加泰隆尼亞菜式的話,不妨點 pa amb tomàquet (上面鋪著番茄的特色麪包)。也可像本地人一樣在小食吧周圍坐著,逐一品嚐地道西班牙塔帕斯小食 (tapas,即開胃前菜),手中切勿忘記拿著一杯店內自製的苦艾酒。
Spain Barcelona Local Fresh Market Shopping
Couple Strolling Through the Fresh Local Market


在巴塞隆納的多個市集閒逛,高質素的皮製衣物、首飾、二手書刊,和獨特的家庭用品等定必使你流連忘返。格拉西亞大道 (Passeig de Gràcia) 和巴塞隆納購物大道是兩條極受歡迎的購物街,而哥德區 (Gothic Quarter) 則有數十間家庭式商店,出售紡織品、文具、裝飾用瓷磚,及陶製廚房用品。

天4: Valencia, Spain

Valencia, Spain, Aerial beach view
Aerial beach view in Valencia, Spain
从8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Spain's third largest city, Valencia offers a little bit of everything, from historic sites and bustling city squares to placid beaches. Soak up the sun at Malvarrosa Beach along the urban seafront, or head to El Saler for a more remote beach experience surrounded by white-sand dunes and pine trees. Cruise to Valencia and get your culture fix at Gothic Valencia Cathedral, and see the 15th-century renaissance paintings housed in its interior. Head to Plaza de la Reina in the city's old town and do some people-watching over a fresh glass of horchata, a classic Valencia beverage made from almond milk with cinnamon and spices, or take a picnic lunch of fresh pears and local cheese to the quiet Turia Gardens.
Valencia, Spain, Cathedral
Close up view of a cathedral in Valencia, Spain

Get Gothic

Architecture lovers will fall in love with the Old Town of Valencia. The winding lanes are filled with a mix of Gothic and Baroque architecture, including the Cathedral and Plaza del Virgen. Grab your camera and climb the 207 steps of the 13th-century Cathedral bell tower for a stunning view of the city to the countryside and the sea.
Insider tip
The city center is very walkable, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes to make the most of your day.
Valencia, Spain, City of Arts and Sciences
The City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, Spain

Arts and Carafe

Venture outside of the Old Town and over to the City of Arts and Sciences. Spend a few hours admiring the modern design of the futuristic buildings by Santiago Calatrava. Check out the Oceanografic Aquarium, home to a wide variety of sharks, belugas and walruses. Afterward, relax outside in the sunshine and beautiful gardens.
Insider tip
Prefer to see the city on two wheels? Bicycles are very easy to rent all around Valencia.
Valencia, Spain, Central Market
Central Market in Valencia, Spain

Go to Market

One of Europe's longest-running food markets, Central Market is the place to go to sample Valencia's seasonal produce, such as artichokes and pears. To beat the crowds, head here early in the morning to enjoy a warm espresso while you shop. Once properly caffeinated, watch as locals do their daily shopping and admire the stained-glass domes and mosaic details.
Valencia, Spain, Paella
A Valencian paella being served

Local Cuisine

In Valencia, you'll find plenty of tapas to sample, but you can't leave without enjoying paella. The classic Spanish dish has its roots in this seaside city, where it's usually served up with rabbit, chicken, asparagus and local snails. If you prefer pasta over rice, go in for fideua, a hearty dish of pan-fried noodles piled with local seafood like squid, shrimp or monkfish.
Valencia, Spain, Hand held fan
A woman holding a fan in Spain


Head to the Old Town of Valencia during your cruise to find some of the best shops offering handmade fans, embroidered silk shawls and Lladro porcelain. If you happen to end up in the city on the weekend, browse the stalls at the flea market in Plaza Redonda.

天5: Cartagena, Spain

Cartagena, Spain, City Hall
City hall in Cartagena, Spain
从8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Cartagena greets you with its ancient Mediterranean port on Spain's southeastern coast. Originally governed by the Carthaginians and subsequently by the Romans, Arabs and Castilians, this pedestrian-friendly city is a history buff's dream port. Visit the 2,000-year-old Roman Theatre and the attached museum, where you'll find an ancient altar to Jupiter and a statue of Apollo. Then, check out the late 19th-century modernist architecture of Cartagena's historic center. Cruises to Cartagena, Spain allow you to stroll down blue-marble-tiled pedestrian-only Calle Mayor. Or take the 30-minute drive to the Batteria de Castillitos, a medieval-style fortress situated among the picturesque mountain landscape.
Cartagena, Spain Roman Theater
Couple Walking Through Spain's Roman Theater

Roman Holiday

Check out Cartagena's ancient Roman Theater — built in the first century A.D. and only uncovered in 1987, it's since been reconstructed. Duck into its museum, which passes beneath a palace and a church before it reaches the theater.
Insider tip
Spanish shops close for siesta between 2 and 5 p.m., and restaurants from about 4 p.m. until around 8 p.m.
Cartagena, Spain, Castle of Cartagena
The Castle of Cartagena in Cartagena, Spain

Castle on the Hill

The 18th-century castle called Concepcion Castle sits on a hill facing Cartagena. Walk uphill to visit the castle and its history center, or catch the lift at Calle Gisbert for amazing panoramic views en route.
Insider tip
Try Asiatico, a common Cartagena coffee drink with condensed milk, brandy, the Spanish liqueur Licor 43, cinnamon and lemon zest.
Cartagena, Spain Historic Buildings
Cartagena, Spain Historic Buildings Intricate Details

The New Within the Old

For all its ancient allure, Cartagena also has Modernist architecture, which you can see along the Calle Mayor area. One example is the home of Cervantes, designed by a local Cartagena architect. Check out the Casino, the Gran Hotel and the railway station for more examples of this exuberantly gaudy style with your Spain Cruise.
Insider tip
Don't confuse Cartagena, Spain, and Cartagena, Colombia, while planning your trip!
Spain Cartagena Paella Local Cuisine
Chef Making Traditional Spanish Paella

Local Cuisine

In Cartagena, you'll find authentic Mediterranean dishes featuring fresh-caught seafood, like lightly tempura-battered fried squid. Red prawns from the Mar Menor lagoon and fig bread are local delicacies. Explore off the main tourist streets and hit a tapas bar for tasty fare such as Serrano ham, toasted Cartagena almonds and cracked local olives.
Spain Cartagena Local Artisan Ceramics
Spain Cartagena Local Artisan Ceramics Shopping


The clean, pedestrians-only shopping street Calle Mayor is an easy walk from the port and has the high-street stores of England and Spain. An El Corte Ingles department store and restaurants are housed in gorgeous buildings. Look for ceramics and leather goods in interesting boutiques and shops when you cruise to Cartagena, Spain.

天6: Málaga, Spain

Málaga, Spain, Marina
A marina in Malaga, Spain
从8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
The hub of Spain's southern Costa del Sol, Málaga is the picture of paradise. Scale the hilltop to dramatic La Alcazaba, the sandy-colored Moorish fortress dating back to the 11th century that overlooks this ancient seaside city. Sun yourself on the idyllic beaches of Caleta and Malagueta, taking in views of the mountains across the bay. See the eccentric works of modernist master Pablo Picasso, the city's most famous native son, at the Picasso Museum. Cruise to Málaga and immerse yourself in baroque and renaissance architecture at Málaga Cathedral, with its elaborate arches and stone reliefs depicting the saints, or turn the clock back to the first century A.D. at the ruins of the Roman Theatre.
Málaga, Spain, Alcazaba fortress
View of the Alcazaba fortress in Malaga, Spain

Moor History

Ascend to the top of La Alcazaba, the medieval Moorish fortress that towers over the city. This palatial fortification was built by the Hammudid dynasty in the early 11th century and is the best-preserved Moorish castle in Spain. From here, you can wander down to the Roman Amphitheatre that sits beneath it, before you gaze up at the 16th-century cathedral that sits right in the city center.
Insider tip
The center of Málaga is relatively small and walkable, but don't take this for granted — three to five hours will pass quickly.
Málaga, Spain, Malagueta beach sign
The Malagueta beach sign in Malaga, Spain

Work on Your Tan

It just wouldn't be a trip to the Costa del Sol without a little coast and sun. Most tourists stick to the convenient La Malagueta Beach, but if you've got more than a couple hours in Málaga, you can take a taxi to less crowded but equally beautiful beaches to the east, like Playamar or Playa de Burriana.
Insider tip
If you don't speak Spanish, make sure to cache a Spanish dictionary in your smartphone's Translate app.
Málaga, Spain, Plaza de la Merced
Plaza de la Merced in Malaga, Spain

Paint With Picasso

The most obvious way to follow Málaga's Picasso trail is to visit the Picasso Museum, which has many pieces you won't find anywhere else. You can also visit the artist's birthplace, or take a "Ride With Picasso" bike tour that features Picasso-focused city sightseeing, including Plaza de Merced, where the formidable painter took his first steps as a child.
Málaga, Spain Gambas Pil Pil dish
Gambas Pil Pil shrimp dish in a bowl

Local Cuisine

Seafood is the focus of gastronomy in Málaga. Don't miss the city's signature dish of gambas al pil-pil, flash-fried fresh prawns with garlic, paprika and chilies. During your Málaga cruise, order a basket of pescado frito, an array of local white fish, clams and other seafood breaded and fried. Finish up with tarta malaguena, a cake made with almonds and raisins, and a glass of Málaga dessert wine.
Málaga, Spain, Ceramic Pottery
Ceramic pottery for sale in Spain


Pop into a local wine shop to take a bottle of Málaga dessert wine back home with you. Málaga cruises provide access to an eclectic range of other souvenirs, like hand-painted Andalusian ceramics or handmade fans to help you beat the heat. You can also find some of Spain's best olive oil here — pick up some of this cloudy, spicy liquid gold from the Ataranzas Market.

天7: 巡航

Crusted scallops - Giovanni's Table
Oven baked almond crusted scallops w/red bell pepper pesto served at Giovanni's Table. Cruise fine dining Italian Restaurant
Symphony of the Seas Playmakers Couple Enjoying Draft Beer
Playmakers Couple Enjoying Draft Beer


El Loco Fresh Tacos and Margaritas
El Loco Fresh Tacos and Margaritas

El Loco Fresh®

Teppanyaki Hibachi Vegetable Stir Fry
Teppanyaki Hibachi Vegetable Stir Fry


Lobster and Crab Dish at Chef's Table
Lobster & Alaska king crab main entree, served at the Elegant Chefs Table restaurant. One of the best cruise line fine dining


歡迎來到主廚餐廳,享受船隊中最頂級且獨特的餐飲體驗。你可以參加由遊輪廚師長所帶領的私人美食之旅,與一群嘴刁的親朋好友品嚐美食。好好在佈了白布的餐桌前安坐,享用美味的晚餐 — 主打的五道精緻菜式,例如是意式柚子香醋扇貝薄片,以至佐以松露薯蓉的烤菲力牛扒,都能令你垂涎;再配以精心搭配的完美葡萄酒,更加突出了餐單上的每種風味。

天8: 馬德拉島, 葡萄牙

豐沙爾, 葡萄牙
Madeira (Funchal), Portugal, Panoramic view over Camara de Lobos
A panoramic view of Camara de Lobos in Portugal
从8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
葡萄牙的馬德拉島是冒險迷的天堂。在這座獨特的島嶼縱情於海陸空探索。在島上的開放式運河系統 "levadas" 欣賞山脈和海洋的全景。搭乘馬德拉遊輪,潛入蔚藍色的大海,與魚兒和稀有海豹嬉戲。若是想來一場精彩刺激的體驗,可以駕駛懸掛式滑翔傘或飛翔傘飛越島嶼。想更低調的探索?可以到當地的麵包店享用傳統的 queijada 酥皮蛋糕,再沿著豐沙爾的海旁散步,欣賞特色的十七世紀建築風格。
Madeira (Funchal), Portugal, Woman climbing Pico de Areeiro
A woman climbing the staircase at Pico de Areeiro in Madeira (Funchal), Portugal


穿越 levada 之間,為您的馬德拉之旅劃上圓滿的句號。島上有綿延超過 3,000 公里的灌溉渠道,穿越的路途稱得上無窮無盡。漫步峽谷、橫跨山脈或穿過長長的隧道,探索島上最美的景色。
Insider tip
Madeira (Funchal), Portugal, Ponte do Gabrie
Ponte do Gabrie on the coast of Portugal


帶上你的潛水裝備,跳入馬德拉島水晶般清澈的海水中。探索像 Bowbelle 這樣的沉船,觀察海葵、魚類和海豹等海洋生物,率先體驗歐洲最佳潛水地。
Insider tip
Madeira (Funchal), Portugal, View from mountain
View of Madeira (Funchal), Portugal from a mountain


Madeira (Funchal), Portugal, Honey Cake
A round honey cake


在馬德拉島上,數量眾多、滋味鮮美的海鮮更是讓你垂涎欲滴。品嚐一下 filete de espada,這是一種劍魚魚柳,採用馬德拉風味製作,配有百香果和香蕉醬。若是這對你來說太甜,可以試試煙熏味 espetada madeirense,這是用木頭或木炭煮熟的串燒牛肉塊。你是甜品愛好者?搭乘遊輪前往馬德拉島,品嚐當地的蜂蜜蛋糕 bolo de mel de cana
Madeira (Funchal), Portugal, Traditional Headdresses
An assortment of headdresses and hats in Madeira (Funchal), Portugal


在豐沙爾大街購物。逛逛這座首都城市,尋覓當地商品、葡萄牙美食和國際商店。若想要更當地的感覺,可前往壁虎博覽會 (Feira da Lagartixa)。週六遊覽馬德拉島並在跳蚤市場試試以物易物,把獨特的寶藏帶回家。

天9 - 14: 巡航

天9 - 14
Solarium Bar Cocktail with Sunset in the Background
Solarium Bar Cocktail with Sunset in the Background
Two70 Starwater Show
Dancer and Singers Performing on the Starwater Show

二70 (Two70®)

日間,這個開放活動區透過兩層高窗戶提供開闊的美景;夜晚,燈光轉暗,窗戶化身螢幕,整片空間即由空中飛人、機械人等統領,表演節目不斷。這就是 270 度景觀廳,為你打破時空界限,帶你投入精彩之中!
Music Hall Rock Band Stage
Music Hall Rock Band Stage


Lime and Coconut Nightlife Friends with Cocktail
Lime and Coconut Nightlife Friends with Cocktail

The Lime and Coconut®

你毋須再苦苦尋找島國酒吧—「青檸椰子」有 DJ 駐場,現場音樂熱播不停,另設兩張吧枱供應你最愛的池畔雞尾酒,當中更包括招牌「青檸椰子」,定當為你送上精彩假日氣氛!夕陽西下,這間池畔酒吧將繼續發揮「船上熱點」的魅力,伴你徹夜狂歡。
Bottles in front of the Bionic Bar
Bottles at the Bionic Bar


推介你到機械人酒吧,認識兩位機械人調酒師,見識他們如何混酒﹑溝酒和拌酒,為你帶來歡樂無盡的夜晚。動作就像在你杯中那 Pimm's 般行雲流水,調製出無限的雞尾酒配搭,無論是經典的雞尾酒,抑或是按你要求獨家調配的酒,都難不到他們。

天15: 自由角, 新澤西州

紐約, 新澤西州
Inside court of Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Cape Liberty, New Jersey
Inside court of Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Cape Liberty, New Jersey
到达6:00 AM
自由海角 (Cape Liberty) 距離紐約市 (New York City) 不遠,乘搭地鐵更是幾站之遙,你在那裡可以以較前及中心的角度,一覽紐約港下游的景觀。這個五光大色的城市內,四處皆是一個接一個的冒險。遠離華爾街 (Wall Street) 的摩天大樓和百老匯耀眼燈光,你便會發現少數族裔的聚居地,如是著名的小意大利 (Little Italy),歷史悠久的褐沙石的房屋,歐洲風格大教堂,以及種滿樹木的中央公園。你亦可以在現代藝術博物館 (MoMA) 或古根漢美術館 (Guggenheim) 欣賞世界知名的展品。有時間的話,不妨前往埃利斯島 (Ellis Island) 發掘美國的多元文化歷史,並在新澤西航行之旅前或後,橫過布魯克林大橋 (Brooklyn Bridge)。千萬不要忘記與自由女神 (Lady Liberty) 以紐約城市景色做為背景一起自拍。
Times Square Manhattan Manhattan, Cape Liberty, New Jersey
Times Square Manhattan Manhattan, Cape Liberty, New Jersey


在曼哈頓觀光感受到的興奮感和驚喜感非其他城市能比,而且每個地區都有自己的迷人獨特個性。參觀洛克菲勒中心 (Rockefeller Center),並在無線電城音樂廳 (Radio City Music Hall) 觀賞一場演出。你亦可以在高線公園 (High Line) 內漫步,感受時代廣場的城市氣息。紐約遊輪讓你得以體驗一切,無論是經旅遊巴士、地鐵或步行,都能盡情探索。
Empire State Building Observatory Deck View, Cape Liberty, New Jersey
Empire State Building Observatory Deck View, Cape Liberty, New Jersey


駐足紐約其中一個觀景台之上,俯瞰腳下的城市景色。露天空間大石之頂 (Top of the Rock) 是欣賞中央公園一流的地方。身處帝國大廈 (Empire State Building) 頂樓,享受五光十色的夜景。你亦可以前往位於西半球最高大廈 104 層的世貿中心一號大樓觀景台。
Long Island Beach Montauk Point Lighthouse, Cape Liberty, New Jersey
Long Island Beach Montauk Point Lighthouse, Cape Liberty, New Jersey


你可以在紐約參觀史泰登島動物園,或在布朗克斯為洋基球隊打氣。皇后區 (Queens) 的國際文化及美食正在期待著你的來臨,而長島 (Long Island) 上大大小小的酒莊及海灘則有待你慢慢發掘。順道不妨參觀霍博肯 (Hoboken) 這個適合步行觀光的小鎮,你可以在哈得遜河海濱人行道 (Hudson River Waterfront Walkway) 上一邊散步,一邊欣賞曼哈頓奪目的城市景色。
Street Food Vendor at Night, Cape Liberty, New Jersey
Street Food Vendor at Night, Cape Liberty, New Jersey


這城市擁有 20,000 間設有堂食的餐廳,絕對可以稱之為美食天堂。薄餅、貝果、熱狗和芝士蛋糕等美食已成為紐約眾所周知的標誌性菜式。品嚐唐人街的蒸餃,必令人一試難忘。順道的話亦可以前往雀兒喜市場 (Chelsea Market) 細味藍點 (Blue Point) 生蠔。當然牛角甜甜圈也不能錯過。最後在紐約市夜幕降臨之時,喝一杯曼哈頓雞尾酒。
Leather Shoes Close Up, Cape Liberty, New Jersey
Leather Shoes Close Up, Cape Liberty, New Jersey


這個購物之都絕對是一應俱全。: 由五光十色麥迪遜大道 (Madison Avenue) 上的巴尼斯 (Barney) 百貨公司,至售賣「我愛紐約 (I Love NY)」T 裇的紀念品商店,你可以在這裡找到不同商店。古柯察街購物區 (Historic Orchard Street Shopping District) 內必定有你至愛的皮革製品,蘇豪區 (SoHo) 則有設計新穎的時尚服飾。格林威治村擁有最佳書籍、唱片和工藝品商店,也是你離開紐約時的必經之地。
