於 Anthem of the Seas (由 Singapore 起) 的 4 Night Penang & Phuket Cruise, Singapore Phuket, Thailand Boat Sea
由 Singapore 起的 4 Night Penang & Phuket Cruise, Singapore 景點 檳城, 馬來西亞; 布吉, 泰國; Singapore, Singapore. 發掘我們的遊輪行程,不同種類的房間總有一款滿足你的需要及預算。請選擇目的地及出發港口,開始規劃你下一個遊輪假期。
Royal Caribbean Cruises
最低價: $3966.5 每人 14 可預訂的開航日期
4 Night Penang & Phuket Cruise
探索 Anthem of the Seas
天 1 - Singapore, Singapore
天 2 - 檳城, 馬來西亞
天 3 - 布吉, 泰國
天 4 - 航行中
天 5 - Singapore, Singapore
Phuket, Thailand Boat Sea
Beautiful landscape with traditional boat on the sea in Phi Phi Lee region in Phuket, Thailand

4 Night Penang & Phuket Cruise

Singapore, Singapore
Anthem of the Seas
Singapore, Singapore
於4:30 PM開出
檳城, 馬來西亞
由 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM
布吉, 泰國
需坐接駁船 由 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Singapore, Singapore
於 7:00 AM 抵達
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每人平均為 {{overview.numberOfGuests.adults}} 成人, {{overview.numberOfGuests.adults}} 成人, {{overview.numberOfGuests.children}} 兒童 {{overview.numberOfGuests.children}} 兒童
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從以下地方出發的航線: {{ overview.startDate }} (+ {{ additionalDatesCount}} 其他日期)

您的遊輪 Anthem of the Seas

Anthem of the Seas
Anthem of the Seas, Aerial view with North Star
An aerial view of Anthem of the Seas with North Star
Anthem of the Seas
海洋聖歌號® 不同於以往的遊輪。這是一個橫跨三州的旅程,更有前所未見的體驗 — 如 North Star®,它可以讓你從海拔 300 英尺的高空欣賞 360 度全景。而且美食第一,如仙境坊創意餐廳的創意料理。加上像《We Will Rock You》般的精彩表演。


在 iFLY®Ripcord® 上體驗自由落體,對抗地心吸力。在「甲板衝浪」 ®衝浪模擬器上練習你的滑浪技巧。在 North Star® 欣賞海拔 300 英尺高空的美景。在 Two70® 觀賞引人入勝的精彩表演。

無與倫比的餐飲 海洋上的美食之都

這是與很多大都會相媲美的美食之旅。在 Jamie Oliver by Jamie's Italian 意大利餐廳解決你的家庭聚餐,並在 Bionic Bar® 品嚐由機器人特製的雞尾酒。親臨仙境坊創意餐廳,跳進兔子洞展開歷險。或者在 Coastal Kitchen 享用 VIP 美食 — 這是專為套房客人和 Pinnacle 俱樂部會員而設的。

令人驚嘆的 表演

欣賞最佳的海上百老匯表演。在《Spectra’s Cabaret》 觀看將電影、流行文化和科技結合為一的表演。在《The Gift》投入充滿幻想和視覺效果的音樂之旅。在《We Will Rock You》聆聽皇后樂隊的經典搖滾。

第 1 日: Singapore, Singapore

第 1 日
Singapore, Singapore Chinese Garden Twin Pagoda
Beautiful day at Chinese Garden Twin Pagoda in Singapore
於4:30 PM開出
新加坡面積雖小,但卻充滿活力。您可以探索當地的街區,了解這個城邦的多元文化混合體;建議您參觀小印度擺滿雕像的寺廟,以及唐人街色彩繽紛的寶塔。一於乘船前往新加坡,沿著甘榜格南遺產步道 (Kampong Glam Heritage Trail) 探索該市的馬來地區,沿途會經過充滿阿拉伯特色的宅邸和金頂清真寺。您亦可以到新加坡植物園,細賞茂密的熱帶雨林植物群,又或到濱海灣花園親身見證高科技的「超級樹」和花穹。想行程更完美?那一定要到濱海灣金沙酒店的屋頂,欣賞迷人的新加坡全景;當然亦不少得到歷史悠久的萊佛士酒店,享用新加坡司令雞尾酒!
Singapore, Singapore Masjid Sultan Street View
View of the street with Masjid Sultan in the background in Singapore

Multicultural Medley

Singapore has four official languages and even more ethnicities that have influenced its culture. Discover the city's Muslim heritage at Sultan Mosque along Arab Street and its Chinese character (and food!) in Chinatown. Little India is the heart of the city's Tamil Indian community, while Kampong Glam is the epicenter of Malay-speaking Singapore.
Insider tip
新加坡的的士數量眾多,但越來越多當地人選擇使用應用程式 (即「Grab」應用程式) 出行。去新加坡的話,不妨考慮先行下載此應用程式。
Singapore, Singapore Gardens By The Bay Park
Sculptural vegetation towers from Gardend by the Bay in Singapore

Two Sides of Nature

Singapore's tropical landscape is as diverse as its culture. The Singapore Botanic Garden (and adjoining Orchid Garden) approach horticulture from a more traditional perspective, while the spacey Supertrees of Gardens by the Bay would seem more at home in "Avatar" than an issue of "Better Homes and Gardens."
Singapore, Singapore Marina Bay Sands Hotel
Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore

Zoom In, Zoom Out

Head to the rooftop of the massive Marina Bay Sands to enjoy a panorama of the Singapore skyline, which is also beautiful as seen from the city's symbolic Merlion statue on the other side of the bay. Or visit a more inward-looking Singapore icon when you order an original Singapore Sling cocktail at the Long Bar of the Raffles Hotel.
Singapore, Singapore Wantan Mee
Wantan Mee, popular street food noodles with bbq pork, in Singapore

Local Cuisine

The best way to get a cross-section of Singaporean cuisine is to visit its street vendors, or hawkers, in hubs like Tiong Bahru. Jump onboard a Singapore cruise to try Cantonese-derived wantan mee noodles, with dumplings and yellow egg noodles topped with slices of char siu pork. Snack on chai tow kway, also called carrot cake, even though it's made from rice flour and daikon radish fried with eggs in pork fat.
Singapore, Singapore Chopsticks
Colorful variety of chopsticks in a small shop in Chinatown, Singapore


Singapore is a shopper's paradise, whether you stick to the high-end boutiques of Orchard Road or the local shops throughout the city. One way to guarantee a special souvenir during your Singapore cruise vacation is to shop in the city's ethnic neighborhoods: Seek out chopsticks and lacquerware in Chinatown or incense and South India dolls in Little India.

第 2 日: 檳城, 馬來西亞

第 2 日
Penang, Malaysia Colorful Temple
Color temple located in Penang, Malaysia called 'Kek Lok Si'
由 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Penang, Malaysia Cheong Fatt Tze Blue Mansion
Cheong Fatt Tze Blue Mansion in Penang, Malaysia


歷史可追溯至 1880 年代的藍宅值得一遊,記得要從外面拍照留念,或參觀屋內共 38 間房間。而位於 19 世紀大宅內的檳城土生華人博物館亦不容錯過 — 在這裡您可以看到精緻的土生華人服裝、珠寶以及該島和人民的歷史介紹。
Insider tip
Penang, Malaysia Street Art
Street art of a boy riding a motorcycle in Penang, Malaysia


漫步穿過喬治城,細賞檳城的歷史建築;亦記得要停下來,品嚐各式的著名街頭美食,包括炒粿條、豉油炒年糕、香腸和蝦等菜式。建議您亦可以到聯合國教科文組織區散散步,欣賞獨特的街頭藝術 — 這些藝術一般都帶有歷史或政治色彩。
Insider tip
時間充裕,又想拉拉腿部肌肉的話,建議您可以放棄乘坐電車,選擇徒步登上升旗山 — 整趟路程大約需要 90 分鐘。
Penang, Malaysia Guanyin Goddess Buddha
The statue of Guanyin or Goddess of Mercy at Chinese buddhist temple, Penang, Malaysia


檳城擁有來自世界各地、獨特且豐富的宗教建築。一於乘坐遊輪前往檳城,參觀佈滿壁畫的緬甸達米卡拉瑪寺廟;這座寺廟是緬甸境外唯一的緬甸寺廟。道教觀音廟同樣值得一遊;建於 1728 年,是檳城最古老的宗教場所。另外,印度教馬里安曼興都廟有著色彩繽紛的士兵和女神,叫人難忘。
Penang, Malaysia Oyster Omelette
A close up of fresh oyster mixed into an omelette


檳城以其街頭小食而聞名世界;不得不試的有蠔仔煎蛋 — 牡蠣、雞蛋和蔥一起煎,然後再用米粉炸得酥脆,讓人食指大動。您亦可以嚐嚐印度烤雞和印度烤餅,體驗當地的印度風味。吃飽還想要以甜品作結?那麼檳城的招牌甜品煎蕊 (即刨冰加椰奶,上面撒上棕櫚糖、甜豆和香蘭葉果凍製成的綠色軟糖) 就是必吃之選。
Penang, Malaysia Souvenir Shops
Souvenir shops in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia


檳城峇峇娘惹宅邸 (Penang Perankan Mansion) 藏有歷史悠久的娘惹設計串珠鞋,您亦可以在喬治市的商店和街頭攤販尋找複製品。想要搜羅各式手工服裝、古董手錶、傳統扇子和其他獨特的商品,到 Chowrasta 集市就包沒錯了。

第 3 日: 布吉, 泰國

第 3 日
Phuket, Thailand Longtale Boat On Beach
Longtale boat on the white beach at Phuket, Thailand
需坐接駁船 由 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
當您踏上原始的海灘,看到清澈碧藍的海水,便會明白布吉島為什麼被譽為泰國的明珠。乘船巡遊至泰國布吉島,在卡塔諾伊海灘 (Kata Noi Beach) 開始您的一天。卡塔諾伊海灘更小、更僻靜,可在沙灘上來個日光浴,放鬆身心。接下來,前往附近的卡隆觀景台 (Karon Viewpoint),欣賞無與倫比的安達曼海和該地區鬱鬱蔥蔥的群山景觀。在鎮上,可以看到布吉島神聖的大佛 — 以白色大理石製成,高達 45 米。參觀精心打造的查隆寺 (Wat Chalong) 和它的大寶塔,據信那裡藏有來自佛陀的骨頭碎片。
Phuket, Thailand Nature Exotic Ocean
Exotic mountain rocks coming out of the ocean in Phuket, Thailand


Pha Nga Bay 灣有幾個喀斯特島嶼可供長尾船駛入探索,包括《鐵金剛大戰金槍客》中出現的占士邦島的懸崖峭壁。有些島嶼形狀像甜甜圈,裡面有淺水,只有在退潮時才能到達。受歡迎的皮皮島 (Phi Phi Island) 曾出現在電影《海灘》中。
Insider tip
Phuket, Thailand Snorkeling
Snorkeling at Phi Phi Island, Phuket, Thailand


布吉島擁有溫暖、乾淨的水域和活躍的海洋生態系統,其周圍的水域非常適合浮潛和水肺潛水。前往奧森 (Ao Sane) 海灘,靠近奈涵 (Nai Harn) 海灘,或在卡塔諾伊或芭東附近的天堂海灘潛水。身邊飄過海葵、鸚鵡魚和各種珊瑚。
Insider tip
Phuket, Thailand Big Buddha Statue Temple Monastery
The big buddha statue at the temple, monastery in Phuket, Thailand


Nakkerd Hills 上面有一尊147英尺高的白色佛像,您可以從島上許多地方看到它 - 徒步到雕像的地方,並不擁擠。佛像覆蓋著緬甸白玉大理石,旁邊是一尊由黃銅製成的小佛像。徒步旅行還能欣賞到令人歎為觀止的海景。
Phuket, Thailand Colorful Thai Food
Colorful thai food in bowls with shrimp pad thai and bowls of rice


在路邊攤檔或餐廳品嚐泰國著名的美食。如果你不確定要點什麼,可以點 pad kra prao — 炒肉 (通常是雞肉或豬肉),配上辣椒和泰國聖羅勒。辣的程度可以根據您的口味來調整,強烈推薦— 可選擇加入煎蛋 。
Phuket, Thailand Buddha Souvenirs
Traditional buddha souvenirs sold in Thailand



第 4 日: 航行中

第 4 日
Flowrider Teenager Surfing
Flowrider Teenager Surfing
Quantum of the Seas North Star Sunset
Quantum of the Seas North Star Sunset


是時候提升歷險層次—「北極星」觀景艙是「遊輪最高觀景台」的健力士世界紀錄保持者,可讓你由海拔 300 呎高處 360 度靜觀寰宇。
Brilliance of the Seas Solarium Entrance
Sunny Day at the Solarium


Man Arrive on the top of the Rock Wall
Man Climbing Down the Rock Wall


Navigator of the Seas Adventure Ocean
Girl Playing with Dolls at Adventure Ocean



第 5 日: Singapore, Singapore

第 5 日
Singapore, Singapore City View
Beautiful city view of Singapore from Skyway
於 7:00 AM 抵達
新加坡面積雖小,但卻充滿活力。您可以探索當地的街區,了解這個城邦的多元文化混合體;建議您參觀小印度擺滿雕像的寺廟,以及唐人街色彩繽紛的寶塔。一於乘船前往新加坡,沿著甘榜格南遺產步道 (Kampong Glam Heritage Trail) 探索該市的馬來地區,沿途會經過充滿阿拉伯特色的宅邸和金頂清真寺。您亦可以到新加坡植物園,細賞茂密的熱帶雨林植物群,又或到濱海灣花園親身見證高科技的「超級樹」和花穹。想行程更完美?那一定要到濱海灣金沙酒店的屋頂,欣賞迷人的新加坡全景;當然亦不少得到歷史悠久的萊佛士酒店,享用新加坡司令雞尾酒!
Singapore, Singapore Masjid Sultan Street View
View of the street with Masjid Sultan in the background in Singapore

Multicultural Medley

Singapore has four official languages and even more ethnicities that have influenced its culture. Discover the city's Muslim heritage at Sultan Mosque along Arab Street and its Chinese character (and food!) in Chinatown. Little India is the heart of the city's Tamil Indian community, while Kampong Glam is the epicenter of Malay-speaking Singapore.
Insider tip
雖然新加坡人的母語是英語,但口音 (獲親切地稱為「Singlish」,即新加坡式英語) 一開始有時可能很難掌握。如果聽不明白,請禮貌地請他們重複一遍。
Singapore, Singapore Gardens By The Bay Park
Sculptural vegetation towers from Gardend by the Bay in Singapore

Two Sides of Nature

Singapore's tropical landscape is as diverse as its culture. The Singapore Botanic Garden (and adjoining Orchid Garden) approach horticulture from a more traditional perspective, while the spacey Supertrees of Gardens by the Bay would seem more at home in "Avatar" than an issue of "Better Homes and Gardens."
Singapore, Singapore Marina Bay Sands Hotel
Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore

Zoom In, Zoom Out

Head to the rooftop of the massive Marina Bay Sands to enjoy a panorama of the Singapore skyline, which is also beautiful as seen from the city's symbolic Merlion statue on the other side of the bay. Or visit a more inward-looking Singapore icon when you order an original Singapore Sling cocktail at the Long Bar of the Raffles Hotel.
Singapore, Singapore Wantan Mee
Wantan Mee, popular street food noodles with bbq pork, in Singapore

Local Cuisine

The best way to get a cross-section of Singaporean cuisine is to visit its street vendors, or hawkers, in hubs like Tiong Bahru. Jump onboard a Singapore cruise to try Cantonese-derived wantan mee noodles, with dumplings and yellow egg noodles topped with slices of char siu pork. Snack on chai tow kway, also called carrot cake, even though it's made from rice flour and daikon radish fried with eggs in pork fat.
Singapore, Singapore Chopsticks
Colorful variety of chopsticks in a small shop in Chinatown, Singapore


Singapore is a shopper's paradise, whether you stick to the high-end boutiques of Orchard Road or the local shops throughout the city. One way to guarantee a special souvenir during your Singapore cruise vacation is to shop in the city's ethnic neighborhoods: Seek out chopsticks and lacquerware in Chinatown or incense and South India dolls in Little India.
