7 Night Spain & France Cruise在Anthem of the Seas从修咸頓, England France Rue St Jean Du Perot La Rochelle
-该7 Night Spain & France Cruise由修咸頓, England 访问 波爾多 (拉羅謝爾), France; 畢爾包, 西班牙; 拉科魯尼亞, 西班牙; Paris (Le Havre), France; 修咸頓, England. 浏览我们的邮轮行程,并从不同取决于你的需求和预算的房间的选择。通过选择一个目的地和出发港口规划你的下一个邮轮假期。
Royal Caribbean Cruises
从定价: $9833.0 每人 3 可航行日期
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7 Night Spain & France Cruise
Itinerary Overview
Explore Anthem of the Seas
Day 1 - 修咸頓, England
Day 2 - 巡航
Day 3 - 波爾多 (拉羅謝爾), France
Day 4 - 畢爾包, 西班牙
Day 5 - 拉科魯尼亞, 西班牙
Day 6 - 巡航
Day 7 - Paris (Le Havre), France
Day 8 - 修咸頓, England
France Rue St Jean Du Perot La Rochelle
France Rue St Jean Du Perot La Rochelle

7 Night Spain & France Cruise

修咸頓, England
Anthem of the Seas
修咸頓, England
离去在5:00 PM
波爾多 (拉羅謝爾), France
从8:00 AM - 6:30 PM
畢爾包, 西班牙
从8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
拉科魯尼亞, 西班牙
从8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Paris (Le Havre), France
从8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
修咸頓, England
到达5:30 AM
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你的船 Anthem of the Seas

Anthem of the Seas
Anthem of the Seas, Aerial view with North Star
An aerial view of Anthem of the Seas with North Star
Get to know
Anthem of the Seas
海洋聖歌號® 不同於以往的遊輪。這是一個橫跨三州的旅程,更有前所未見的體驗 — 如 North Star®,它可以讓你從海拔 300 英尺的高空欣賞 360 度全景。而且美食第一,如仙境坊創意餐廳的創意料理。加上像《We Will Rock You》般的精彩表演。


在 iFLY®Ripcord® 上體驗自由落體,對抗地心吸力。在「甲板衝浪」 ®衝浪模擬器上練習你的滑浪技巧。在 North Star® 欣賞海拔 300 英尺高空的美景。在 Two70® 觀賞引人入勝的精彩表演。

無與倫比的餐飲 海洋上的美食之都

這是與很多大都會相媲美的美食之旅。在 Jamie Oliver by Jamie's Italian 意大利餐廳解決你的家庭聚餐,並在 Bionic Bar® 品嚐由機器人特製的雞尾酒。親臨仙境坊創意餐廳,跳進兔子洞展開歷險。或者在 Coastal Kitchen 享用 VIP 美食 — 這是專為套房客人和 Pinnacle 俱樂部會員而設的。

令人驚嘆的 表演

欣賞最佳的海上百老匯表演。在《Spectra’s Cabaret》 觀看將電影、流行文化和科技結合為一的表演。在《The Gift》投入充滿幻想和視覺效果的音樂之旅。在《We Will Rock You》聆聽皇后樂隊的經典搖滾。

天1: 修咸頓, England

Southampton, England, Yachts docked at Ocean Village Marina
Yachts docked at the Ocean Village Marina in Southampton, England
离去在5:00 PM
修咸頓位於英格蘭的南海岸,是一座充滿驚喜的城市。作為歐洲最大港口之一的所在地,這座城市可以為當天的途人帶來不少精彩事。時光倒流,探索老城 — 沿著中世紀的城牆漫步,其中部分城牆可追溯至 1290 年。不要忘了要參觀古城門 (Bargate),那是一座由諾曼人於 12 世紀建造的中世紀門樓。你亦可以順便參觀 SeaCity 博物館,了解 1912 年鐵達尼號啟航的氣派 — 修咸頓是這艘歷史悠久的郵輪離開港口的地方。或者也可以到漢普郡鄉村冒險探索:極具標誌性的巨石陣距離酒店僅一小時車程。
Southampton, England, Stonehenge
View of Stonehenge in England

Prehistoric Adventure

Located just an hour from Southampton, Stonehenge is one of the most well-known prehistoric sites in all of Europe. Wander around the miraculous stone circle and transport yourself back in time when Neolithic engineers used only simple tools to build the huge monument — it's believed they hauled those massive stones over 240 miles from Wales without the use of machines.
Southampton, England, SeaCity Museum
The entrance to the SeaCity Museum in Southampton, England

A Port of Importance

Southampton is home to one of the largest ports in the UK and millions of travelers pass through each year. In 1912, the most famous of those travelers would pass through as they set out to America onboard the Titanic. Southampton's SeaCity museum gives you the opportunity to learn more about the events that happened aboard that famous ship.
Southampton, England, The Bargate Close Up View
Close up view of The Bargate gatehouse in Southampton, England

Play Knights in Armor

Step back into the medieval era and walk the old walls of the city. Built to protect the town from attack by sea, most of the wall is still standing, leaving visitors a spectacular view of Southampton and the sea. Watch as boats enter the port city, and see how it would have been if you were a knight on watch hundreds of years ago.
Southampton, England, Fish and chips
Traditional fish and chips in England

Local Cuisine

Head to the pub for a refreshing glass of ale to pair with crispy, mouthwatering fish and chips. If fried food isn't your thing, go in for a salad with fresh watercress, the peppery green that the Hampshire region is famous for. You'll also find upscale fare based on England's most-loved flavors: Try chicken with Indian-inspired vegetable pakora and tandoori puree or braised Hampshire beef with ale cream.
Southampton, England, Various Antiques
Various antiques at a market


Shop for big-name brands galore at Westquay Shopping Centre, the premier shopping destination of the South Coast. Head to Bedford Place for independent shops and boutiques — the country's oldest traditional shoemaker is located here. On weekends, wander down the road to Bar Street to check out the local market for antiques, crafts, vintage accessories and jewelry.

天2: 巡航

Mom and Son on Bumper Cars
Mon and Son Driving and Enjoying the Bumper Cars
Odyssey of the Seas North Star
Odyssey of the Seas North Star


是時候提升歷險層次—「北極星」觀景艙是「遊輪最高觀景台」的健力士世界紀錄保持者,可讓你由海拔 300 呎高處 360 度靜觀寰宇。


Young Woman Climbing
Young Woman Climbing Up the Rock Wall


Navigator of the Seas Adventure Ocean
Girl Playing with Dolls at Adventure Ocean



天3: 波爾多, France

拉羅謝爾, France
France Place De La Bourse Bordeaux
France Place De La Bourse Bordeaux
从8:00 AM - 6:30 PM
往法國西南部進發,品嚐當地聞名全球的葡萄美酒。置身於這座活力十足的大學城之中,如果想要體驗其歷史一面,就不得不到訪全球最大的市區世界遺址 — 漫步於優雅的交易所廣場 (Place de la Bourse) 及其美麗的 18 世紀石灰岩宮殿之間,然後再到位於加龍河碼頭附近的公眾花園走走,融入其中。您亦可以衝出城鎮冒險一下,到酒莊遊覽,見識當地陽光普照的葡萄園、品嚐各式各樣的波爾多葡萄酒 — 自 8 世紀起該區便生產此一酒品。而這個迷人海港城市亦有眾多精彩用餐場所,等著您一一發掘。
France Vineyards of Saint Emilion
France Vineyards of Saint Emilion


到「葡萄酒城 (La Cité du Vin)」發掘有關葡萄酒的一切知識 ─ 這是一間位於加龍河兩岸的博物館,建築外型有如一座巨型醒酒器,散發迷人閃閃金光。立即來了解古代的葡萄酒貿易以及葡萄栽培技術、葡萄品種和目前趨勢。您亦可以參加館內所設的主題品酒班,乾杯!
Insider tip
您可以在遍佈全城的單車站點租一架單車 (只需以信用卡登記)。
France Bordeaux World War Submarine Bunkers
France Bordeaux World War Submarine Bunkers


La Base Sous-Marine 潛艦基地是其中最不可錯過的城中景點 — 此基地建於二戰時期,讓德軍可以保護其 U 艇艦隊免受空襲。這個用厚厚混凝土建成的地堡設有 11 個潛艇停放池,被荒廢幾十年之後,現已改用成時尚的地下文化中心、美術館和音樂演唱會場地。
Insider tip
France Bordeaux Pont de Pierre
France Bordeaux Pont de Pierre


加龍河獲視為該城的珍寶 — 河流從西班牙北部一直流入波爾多的大西洋。建議您抽些時間沿著河岸漫步,一邊欣賞美麗的景色,一邊穿越青翠花園。之後到巴卡蘭碼頭 (Quai de Bacalan) 舊倉庫的咖啡廳露台上好好休息,或坐渡輪到另一岸。
France Wine Cheese Table
France Wine Cheese Table


您不但可以在波爾多暢飲葡萄美酒,亦可以到阿卡雄灣品嚐新鮮生蠔;更有美味蘑菇、上等蘆筍、有機雪糕、甜甜的覆盆子等著您。巴卡蘭大廳 (Les Halles de Bacalan) 是一個設於海濱飛機庫裡的當代食品市場,想要以掃街方式品嚐各式美食,這裡就最適合不過。
France Bordeaux Wine Cork Red
France Bordeaux Wine Cork Red


想要逛逛高級商店,建議您到金三角 (Triangle d'Or) 附近的大道上走走。不過,如果您想要價格親民的商品,那就必定要到型格時尚的聖皮埃爾 (Saint Pierre) 區看看。不要忘了要帶幾支優質波爾多美酒回家品嚐。如果您想到古物店買一些獨一無二的小擺設,建議您可以到波西米亞廣場的聖米歇爾尋寶。

天4: 畢爾包, 西班牙

A View of the Bilbao, Spain Cityscape, Bilbao, Spain
A View of the Bilbao, Spain Cityscape, Bilbao, Spain
从8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
畢爾包是西班牙西北近法國南部巴斯克地區的非官方首都,這裡也是古今交織之地。畢爾包曾是一個工業之都,1997 年開放古根海姆 (Guggenheim) 後,畢爾包搖身一變成為藝術、建築和美食中心。如今,現代的電車在畢爾包中世紀舊城 Casco Viejo 內古老大街如七街 (Siete Calles) 上行走,區內也設有多間精品店、麵包店和戶外咖啡廳。另一邊廂,未來感十足的建築物如以鈦做為外層的古根海姆博物館 (Guggenheim Museum) 及 Gran Hotel Domine 酒店在圍繞該市流走的內維翁河 (Nervion river) 拔地而起。西班牙沒有其他城市的景色能與畢爾包媲美。登上前往西班牙的遊輪,親身了解為何巴斯克地區為畢爾包而驕傲開心。
Hilltop Chapel, Bilbao, Spain
Hilltop Chapel, Bilbao, Spain


畢爾包雖然以其建築聞名,但連綿不絕的山丘、無際景觀的海岸及鬱鬱蔥蔥的廣場也會令你為之著迷。乘搭纜車登上阿爾特桑達山脈 (Mount Artxanda),飽覽城市遼闊的景色。在多納卡西爾達瓦斯蒂安公園 (Parque de Dona Casilda de Iturrizar) 內沿著池塘和噴泉漫步,抵達河畔走道更可以近距離欣賞畢爾包的城景。
Insider tip
畢爾包 (Bilbao) 的郊區絕對不能錯過,乘火車 25 分鐘前往沿海小鎮格喬 (Getxo),欣賞鬱鬱蔥蔥的山脈及海景。
Downtown Architecture, Bilbao, Spain
Downtown Architecture, Bilbao, Spain


順道不妨參觀巴斯克博物館 (Euskal Museoa) 及考古博物館 (Arkeologi Museoa),細味巴斯克地區的歷史。乘搭遊輪前往西班牙,在畢爾包歷史悠久的市中心舊城 Casco Viejo 內,踏著中世紀的街道漫步。你亦可以沿著格蘭維亞大道 (Gran Via boulevard) 步行,一睹當地人日常生活,看看他們如何光顧不同的小食 (pintxos) 酒館。
Insider tip
Aerial View of City, Bilbao, Spain
Aerial View of City, Bilbao, Spain


你可以先在古根海姆博物館外探索,感受博物館的美麗之處。建築師法蘭克蓋瑞 (Frank Gehry) 融合鈦金、玻璃和石灰打造出這現代傑作,突顯了建築物優雅的曲線和尖銳的邊緣,十分值得細心欣賞。接著便可以進場,觀賞由傳奇人物安迪沃荷 (Andy Warhol)、巴勃羅畢卡索 (Pablo Picasso) 及胡安米羅 (Joan Miro) 等傳奇人物的傑作。
Insider tip
A Filet of Cod with Side Dished, Bilbao, Spain
A Filet of Cod with Side Dished, Bilbao, Spain


在畢爾包細味美食是一種消遣方式。品嚐大蒜鱈魚 (bacalao al pil pil)燉吞拿魚及蔬菜 (Marmitako) 及當地版的 tapas—鹹小食 pintxos。你亦可以前往 El Globo 及 La Barraca 餐廳,一嚐份量適中的方便美食,或在 Mina 及 Azurmendi 餐廳感受米芝蓮星級體驗。
Botas Wine Flasks, Bilbao, Spain
Botas Wine Flasks, Bilbao, Spain


畢爾包讓你在歷史悠久的大街及廣闊的城市地區內一邊購物,一邊發掘不為人知的瑰寶。舊城區內的經典皮酒壺 (botas)、貝雷帽 (txapelas) 及頭巾 (pañuelos) 都是十分值得購買的物件。不妨向北進發,前往阿班多 (Abando) 區的現代商店,尋找不同的當代商品。

天5: 拉科魯尼亞, 西班牙

La Coruna, Spain, Seaside city view
Seasdie city view of La Coruna, Spain
从8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
拉科魯尼亞坐落在西班牙西北部的岩石半島上,充滿了古羅馬遺產和海洋歷史。前往位於海港附近的水晶城 (Crystal City),觀賞 Galeria — 這座城市以這些十九世紀、反射著大西洋粼粼波光的封閉式玻璃陽台而聞名。然後,在 Paseo Maritimo 漫步:這條海濱長廊會帶你穿越海景,前往 Cidade Vella (古城區) — 充滿了古代和中世紀的遺跡古城區。沿著羅馬城牆的遺跡漫步,爬上綠色的山丘前往赫拉克勒斯塔 (Tower of Hercules) — 一座自二世紀以來一直被使用的羅馬燈塔。
La Coruna, Spain, Tower of Hercules close up
A close up view of the Tower of Hercules in La Coruna, Spain


參觀被列為世界遺產的赫拉克勒斯塔 (Tower of Hercules)。聳立於奧爾贊灣 (Orzan Bay) 和阿塔布羅海灣 (Artabro Gulf) 之間,是世界上最古老而仍在使用的燈塔之一。據說愛爾蘭是從這塔頂發現的 — 你亦可以在塔頂尋找看看。你可以在裡面看到羅馬建築材料的殘骸。
Insider tip
La Coruna, Spain, View from San Pedro Park
View of La Coruna, Spain for San Pedro Park


在前軍事要塞聖佩德羅山 (Monte de San Pedro) 野餐。今天,這裡變成了一個風景如畫的公園,你可以找到一個由意大利植物組成的迷宮、鴨子池塘、兒童遊樂場和帶你從高處欣賞城市最佳景觀全景電梯。
Insider tip
La Coruna, Spain, Grilled Octopus
A plate with pulpo a la gallega, grilled octopus, and boiled potatoes


拉科魯尼亞有最好的當地產的貝殻類海鮮。試pulpo a la gallega (西班牙料理大章魚),配土豆和辣椒粉。探索埃斯圖納 (Calle Estrella) — 拉科魯尼亞的小吃熱點。必須嘗試的菜餚包括 navajas – 蒸剃刀蛤-tequenos,一種用融化芝士塞滿的速食麵團。品嚐城市特色啤酒 Estrella Galicia。
Insider tip
La Coruna, Spain, Hand painted ceramic pottery
Hand painted ceramic pottery for sale in Spain


你可以在聖安德列斯街 (Calle San Andres) 附近瘋狂購物。拉科魯尼亞的 Marineda City 距離市中心不遠,是西班牙最大的購物中心。它提供商店,餐館,溜​​冰場和電影院。皇家街 (Calle Real) 有出售古董、珠寶、潮流服飾和傳統手繪陶瓷的奢侈品商店。

天6: 巡航

Jamie's Italian Bruschetta
Jamie's Italian Bruschetta Close-Up
Greek Meze, Coastal Kitchen
Greek Meze, Coastal Kitchen


Grilled NY-Strip Steak -  Chops Grille
12 oz Grilled NY-Strip Steak served at the fine dining steakhouse, Chops Grille. One of the best cruise line restaurants.

Chops Grille℠ 美式扒房

數百年來,Chops Grille 美式扒房的廚師一直以新鮮手切的優質牛扒為客人炮製美食。不過,在這間經典的皇家加勒比特色餐廳享用晚餐,遠遠超出了一般扒房的用餐體驗 — Chops Grille 為客人供應重新演繹的經典菜餚,例如肉汁鮮味的緬因州龍蝦、格魯耶爾芝士薯蓉、白松露風味蘑菇湯,當然還有精心炮製的優質牛肉。
Solarium Bistro Breakfast
Solarium Bistro Buffet Style Breakfast


日光浴場酒館的早午餐時均著重以新鮮食材入饌,煮出道地的地中海風味 — 賓客可以在海上假期期間,一邊享受清爽微風,一邊大啖極致美食。自助餐桌上放滿了地中海風味的各種菜式,任你選擇;不只這樣,你亦可以選擇在室內或太陽 (或者星空) 底下用餐,悉隨尊便。
Cafe Two 70 Soup and Sandwich
Cafe Two 70 Soup and Sandwich Lunch

270 度咖啡廳

270 度咖啡廳是一個美食市集 — 在此用餐,食客可欣賞到迷人的景色。店內有多款熱烘三文治、爽口自選沙律及自家製濃湯任你選;所有餐點全以野餐形式打包,讓你一邊透過 270 度咖啡廳的落地窗或船上其他地方欣賞景色,一邊大啖誘人美食。

天7: Paris, France

Le Havre, France
Paris (Le Havre), France, Eiffel Tower
View of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
从8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Paris is an iconic city — a melange of everything artistic and sublime, with a worldwide reputation for excellence in cuisine, fashion, architecture and the fine arts. After you take the drive in from the port (just over two hours), hit the streets to see the city's monumental landmarks: Pass through the Arc de Triomphe, and stand in the presence of the Eiffel Tower. The beauty here is only matched by the history and culture. Cruise to Paris to feel the cool morning air outside Gothic Notre Dame cathedral, and see works from prehistoric to postmodern at the Louvre. At evening, walk the lamplit avenues as restaurants' wooden tables and rattan chairs spill onto the sidewalks and terraces. Pull up a seat, order a glass of vin rougeand a plate of pate on toast, and dive in.
Paris (Le Havre), France, Famous Gargoyles
Famous gargoyles overlooking the city of the Paris, France

Astounding Architecture

Climb the steps of the heaven-scratching Eiffel Tower for panoramic views of Paris. Then, head to the gargoyle-clad Notre Dame, perhaps the most famous cathedral in the world. And don't miss the Romano-Byzantine influences of the unique Sacre Coeur Basilica.
Insider tip
Take the time to stroll the streets of Paris and find restaurants, boutiques and bars hidden inside little nooks.
Paris (Le Havre), France, The Louvre
View of The Louvre museum in Paris, France

Home of the Arts

Paris is home to perhaps the most famous museum on Earth, the Louvre. It houses the equally well-known "Mona Lisa." But Paris is also home to Musee d'Orsay, an impressionist art hub, as well as the Musee des Arts Decoratifs, focused on the decorative arts.
Insider tip
Scout for impressive views of the city by reaching the top decks of buildings and landmarks.
Paris (Le Havre), France, Parisian Cafe
View of a typical Parisian cafe in Paris, France

Hang With the Locals

Escape the beaten paths and discover a side of Paris few tourists get to see. Cruise to Paris and head to Canal St. Martin to find hip boutiques and cafes with verandas overlooking the water. Then, head to the less-crowded top decks of Montparnasse Tower or the Arc de Triomphe for Paris vistas.
Insider tip
Sample Parisian desserts beyond macarons and chocolate-filled croissants. Try local sables or pates de fruits.
Paris (Le Havre), France, Escargot Dish
Escargots on a white plate with a side of sliced bread

Local Cuisine

You'll find Paris' Michelin-starred restaurants in the neighborhoods lining either side of the Seine. Head there at the noon hour for lower-priced lunch menus. Feeling adventurous? Try French classics like escargot and bone marrow on toast. If you have a sweet tooth, don't miss le Paris-Brest, a circular cake filled with praline cream during your Paris cruise.
Insider tip
Leave time for getting to and from the port: Paris and Le Havre are just over two hours apart.
Paris (Le Havre), France, Designer Storefront
A typical designer storefront in Paris, France displaying shoes and handbags


The Champ Elysees may be the most famous shopping avenue in Paris, with designer boutiques and global chain stores But it's in lesser-known neighborhoods — like North Marais and Rue du Chateau d'Eau — where you can find one-of-a-kind and handcrafted jewelry and goods, as well as the city's funkier fashion options.

天8: 修咸頓, England

Southampton, England, Yachts docked at Ocean Village Marina
Yachts docked at the Ocean Village Marina in Southampton, England
到达5:30 AM
修咸頓位於英格蘭的南海岸,是一座充滿驚喜的城市。作為歐洲最大港口之一的所在地,這座城市可以為當天的途人帶來不少精彩事。時光倒流,探索老城 — 沿著中世紀的城牆漫步,其中部分城牆可追溯至 1290 年。不要忘了要參觀古城門 (Bargate),那是一座由諾曼人於 12 世紀建造的中世紀門樓。你亦可以順便參觀 SeaCity 博物館,了解 1912 年鐵達尼號啟航的氣派 — 修咸頓是這艘歷史悠久的郵輪離開港口的地方。或者也可以到漢普郡鄉村冒險探索:極具標誌性的巨石陣距離酒店僅一小時車程。
Southampton, England, Stonehenge
View of Stonehenge in England

Prehistoric Adventure

Located just an hour from Southampton, Stonehenge is one of the most well-known prehistoric sites in all of Europe. Wander around the miraculous stone circle and transport yourself back in time when Neolithic engineers used only simple tools to build the huge monument — it's believed they hauled those massive stones over 240 miles from Wales without the use of machines.
Southampton, England, SeaCity Museum
The entrance to the SeaCity Museum in Southampton, England

A Port of Importance

Southampton is home to one of the largest ports in the UK and millions of travelers pass through each year. In 1912, the most famous of those travelers would pass through as they set out to America onboard the Titanic. Southampton's SeaCity museum gives you the opportunity to learn more about the events that happened aboard that famous ship.
Southampton, England, The Bargate Close Up View
Close up view of The Bargate gatehouse in Southampton, England

Play Knights in Armor

Step back into the medieval era and walk the old walls of the city. Built to protect the town from attack by sea, most of the wall is still standing, leaving visitors a spectacular view of Southampton and the sea. Watch as boats enter the port city, and see how it would have been if you were a knight on watch hundreds of years ago.
Southampton, England, Fish and chips
Traditional fish and chips in England

Local Cuisine

Head to the pub for a refreshing glass of ale to pair with crispy, mouthwatering fish and chips. If fried food isn't your thing, go in for a salad with fresh watercress, the peppery green that the Hampshire region is famous for. You'll also find upscale fare based on England's most-loved flavors: Try chicken with Indian-inspired vegetable pakora and tandoori puree or braised Hampshire beef with ale cream.
Southampton, England, Various Antiques
Various antiques at a market


Shop for big-name brands galore at Westquay Shopping Centre, the premier shopping destination of the South Coast. Head to Bedford Place for independent shops and boutiques — the country's oldest traditional shoemaker is located here. On weekends, wander down the road to Bar Street to check out the local market for antiques, crafts, vintage accessories and jewelry.
