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How are Onboard Credits & Future Cruise Credits (FCC) Calculated?


In instances where Onboard Credits are issued due to an itinerary change or service recovery, the credit may be issued in the value of either a dollar amount or for a value equal to a specific number of days. Future Cruise Credits can be issued in either a percentage or dollar amount. Calculations may seem a bit confusing, so, we’re breaking it down for you here.

Both Onboard Credit and Future Cruise Credits are always based on an individual guest’s Cruise Fare Paid when given for an itinerary change. This means, the calculations won’t include any amounts reserved for things like pre-paid add-ons (transfers, hotels, or flights), pre-paid gratuities, savings due to a promotion, or taxes & fees.

Click below for more information on how we calculated your amounts.

How are credits calculated?

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