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問題有關於 Guest Conduct & Other Policies

For more information, please go to the Guest Terms and Conditions page to review the Cruise Ticket Contract or Booking Conditions applicable to your Cruise or Cruisetour.
18% 服務費將自動計入水療 & 理髮店服務。18% 服務費將自動計入酒吧服務飲品及迷你吧產品。  
Firearms & Ammunition, including realistic replicas. Sharp Objects, including all knives and scissors. (Note: Personal grooming items such as safety razors are allowed. Scissors with blade length less than 4 inches are allowed.) Illegal Drugs & Subst...
Effective immediatly on all sailings, the minimum drinking age for all alcoholic beverages on all Royal Caribbean International is as follows. The minimum age to consume alcohol on Royal Caribbean International ships on sailings originating in North ...
Yes. During operating hours, the casino will allow smoking, with certain areas designated as non-smoking. There will be visible signage indicating the non-smoking area in the casino. All cruises departing from China and Hong Kong will not have a non-...
Indoor smoking is permitted in the Casino, the cigar clubs on Freedom and Voyager Class ships, and one designated smoking venue on ships sailing from Chinese homeports. Cigarette, cigar, e-cigarette and pipe smoking is permitted in designated outdoor...
Guests are not allowed to bring beer or hard liquor onboard for consumption or any other use. Alcoholic beverages (beer, seltzer, or hard liquor) seized on embarkation day will be returned at the end of the voyage provided that they are in the origin...
Yes. Guests who consume their personal wine and champagne in public areas, will incur a $15 corkage fee per bottle.  For more information on our alcohol policy, click here.
ROYAL CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL'S MINIMUM AGE TO SAIL UNACCOMPANIED Royal Caribbean International's minimum age to sail unaccompanied on sailings originating in North America is twenty-one (21). Royal Caribbean International's minimum age to sail unacc...
All our guests deserve to enjoy their vacation to the fullest so we have outlined the expectations of behavior for people enjoying a cruise vacation. Click here to access the Guest Health, Safety, and Conduct Policy.
An Onboard Expense Account, also known as your SeaPass® onboard account, is the cashless system used for all onboard purchases and services. SeaPass cards will be in your stateroom waiting for you. The account may be set-up with either a credit card ...
One of the best things about cruising is the food! And there will be many dining options available to suit most tastes and preferences. However you are free to bring non-perishable prepackaged food in limited quantities. While we have many drink offe...
The Cruise Critic Meet & Mingle onboard gatherings have been discontinued. Guests are welcome to host self-led gatherings in one of our many venues onboard.
遊輪發燒友網站的已登記賓客,如預訂了 7 晚 (或更長) 的皇家加勒比遊輪假期,可以參加會面與交往活動。會面與交往活動需要最少 25 位賓客。已登記賓客可鼓勵其他同行人士登記,但並無責任確保達至 25 位已登記賓客的最低要求。每次遊輪會有一次會面與交往活動,所有已登記賓客將會出席該次活動。
皇家加勒比遊輪假期,讓你為家人摯愛帶來無與倫比的精彩體驗。我們提供種類繁多的遊輪上活動和岸上觀光行程,你可以集體探索遊玩,或者分頭做自己最喜歡做的事。 我們的觀光行程刺激精彩,大部分都適合所有年齡參加。記得細閱當中的詳細資訊,讓你和家人可以盡情享受合適的行程。 在遊輪上,我們的海上歷奇青少年項目為不同年齡組別預備不同的歷奇 (及教育) 活動及項目,適合 3 至 17 歲的兒童及青少年參與。 皇家加勒比國際遊輪要求參加甲板沖浪的賓客簽署免責聲明,惟非所有遊輪上均設有甲板沖浪。
如賭場在美國境內或國際水域營運,所有美國公民或市民將獲發 W2G 表格,就以下活動向美國國家稅務局報告所需資訊。 在單一老虎機下注 $1,199.99 或以上 在 Bingo 遊戲贏取合共 $1,199.99 或以上 在單一桌面遊戲贏取賭注額 300 倍以上的金額 在抽數碼賭戲贏取 $599 以上但 $5,000 以下的金額 以上情況亦適用於身處美國境內水域且獲發 1042 表格的非美國公民或居民。 請注意,在付款時須出示駕駛執照或護照,以及社會安全號碼。
We are delighted to have provided a safe and enjoyable cruise to millions of guests over the years. To facilitate our ability to continue to provide safe and enjoyable cruises to our guests, we reserve the right to refuse to accept a booking request ...
未來航程是我們在遊輪上的未來航程預訂隊伍,幫你預訂你下次的皇家加勒比旅程。 為甚麼要跟未來航程預訂: 保證每個航程都有最豪獎賞 於你下次航程取得最多 $600 遊輪上花費獎賞或折扣 特別價格艙房的按金低至每人 $100 由一系列房型中挑選你的艙房或套房 為自己、朋友及家人以相同優惠預訂最多三間艙房 在船上預先計劃下次的岸上觀光可享 10% 折扣 跟「皇冠金錨俱樂部」的獨家折扣結合 你的旅遊顧問在所有預訂中取得全數款項 * 受條款及細則約束
遊輪之旅的登船時間及開航日期會於賓客度假文件中詳細列出。請賓客不要提早前往碼頭,因為遊輪還未準備好讓賓客登船。 為配合政府新政策規定,遊輪公司必須在起航前最少 60 分鐘提交最後出境名單,因此賓客需要在遊輪之旅開航前至少 3 天辦理網上預辦登船程序。如果你沒有在開航 3 天前完成網上預辦登船手續,你必須於所列明的開航時間最少 2 小時前到達碼頭並辦理登船手續。請注意:所有賓客必須在所列明的開航時間最少 90 分鐘前辦理手續並登上遊輪,否則你將不得出發。
If you lose an item onboard please go to guest services where we maintain a lost and found service. If you discover you may have lost an item after you have left the ship please refer to the following links: English:  https://www.chargerback.com/repo...
Per company policy, we allow the tossing of a biodegradable urn containing ash while at sea. Ashes must be in an approved scattering or biodegradable urn, free of plastic or wire, and the entire urn must be tossed. A certificate proving the urn is bi...
住客的訪客:登上皇家加勒比國際遊輪的住客不得在船上招待訪客。 旅遊顧問:所有旅遊顧問因業務理由到訪我們的遊輪,皆必須透過銷售部門提早尋求授權,作出安排。 例外情況:如登船參加婚禮,申請將由婚禮策劃師受理,助你尋求登船授權。
Just like the security screening at an airport, we also screen all luggage our guests bring onboard to ensure everyone’s safety. If there is an item in your luggage that is prohibited or is believed to be prohibited, your bag will be taken to a scree...
「保護海洋」是由皇家加勒比國際遊輪贊助的計劃,專注保育海洋生態,涵蓋港口與公海。 請按這裡進一步了解。    
如有任何疑問,你可隨時聯系我們的團隊。我們的免費電話號碼是 (800) 465 - 3595。初次致電時,你將獲發一個團體號碼。

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