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問題有關於 Online Check-In & Boarding Pass

We are working to uplift our check-in experience to support a healthy and safe cruise for all guests, crew, and communities where we operate. Check-in will be available once our updates are completed ahead of your sailing. We will notify you by email...
PLEASE NOTE: We are hard at work uplifting our cruises for the health and safety of our guests, crew, and the communities in which we operate. We are guided by the recommendations of our Healthy Sail Panel and the requirements of countries where we s...
In order to complete Check-In successfully, you will need the following: Personal Information for each guest are checking in Identification Document information for each guest you are checking in Crown & Anchor Society Membership Number (if you are a...
你可以在「我的遊輪之旅戶口」預訂頁面查閱可用的登船文件。如果你的登船文件尚未可用,請稍後再查閱。 文件準備就緒時,你也應該會收到電郵通知。 皇家加勒比免費為所有賓客提供電子登船文件。你也可以選擇要求列印登船文件,每份 35 美元。如果你需要重新發出這些文件,請聯系我們。 請注意,重新發出文件可能需要付費。 最遲可於開航前 24 小時更改賓客姓名,惟必須保留最少一個原有預訂的賓客之姓名。 如果你在網上預訂你的遊輪假期,你可以選擇以電子方式免費收取登船文件或以郵寄方式收取登船文件,每份 35 美元。...
Successfully completing the check-in process for you and those guests listed on your SetSail Pass will allow you to receive a SetSail Pass. In order to complete Check-In successfully, you will need the following: Personal Information for each guest a...
An Onboard Expense Account, also known as your Seapass® onboard account, is the cashless system used for all onboard purchases and services. Depending on your ship, SeaPass cards are handed out at the pier or will be in your stateroom waiting for you...
Yes. Just like some land-based hotels, guests can expect to see an initial $99.75 pending charge or authorization on their credit card. This pending amount is used to secure funds for anticipated onboard purchases. Purchases made onboard over the ini...

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