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Why don’t I see my upcoming cruise after signing in to my account?


Whether you are on the website or mobile app, your information should appear within a few minutes after signing in. If it doesn’t, either refresh the screen or sign out and sign back in to reload your account information.

Upcoming and current cruises are listed from the time they’re linked through the last day of the sailing. If you’ve recently sailed and are a Crown & Anchor Society member, it can take up to 10 days before your cruise is shown in the “Past cruises” tab on the website.

In the event that your cruise was not automatically linked to your profile,  you can link it manually by going to the Dashboard and selecting “Link a missing cruise.” 

On the app, you can manually link a missing cruise by tapping “Select a different sailing” on the Dashboard. If you’ve done that and still don’t see your cruise, email guestaccounthelp@rccl.com for assistance. 

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