Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. policy regarding pregnancy is derived from the Cruise Lines International Association endorsement of the American College of Emergency Physicians Health Care Guidelines for Cruise Ship Medical Facilities, which can be found at This includes the guideline that Pregnant women who have entered the 23rd week of estimated fetal gestational age at any time during the cruise should not be eligible to sail with the ship.
It is Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. policy that any Guest who will have entered her 23rd week of pregnancy or greater, at any time during the cruise, will be prohibited from sailing.
The Guest and treating physician should consider before any cruise that there is no Obstetrician/Gynecologist available on the ship, and that pregnancies, when unstable and poorly controlled, are potentially life-threatening, especially without back up. A Guest may be at sea for several days without any immediate hospital and/or specialist back up and that the availability of specialized shore side facilities can be problematic.
All guests are required to sign a health questionnaire at check-in to ensure they are aware of our pregnancy policy. If you have already booked a cruise or cruise tour and do not meet this requirement, please contact your Travel Advisor or call us on (UK) 0344 493 4005 or (Ireland) 1800 555 604.