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Are any itineraries being affected by Hurricane Florence?


Yes, we are modifying the itinerary of Grandeur of the Seas September 8th & September 13th cruise to avoid the path of Hurricane Florence. Our #1 priority is the safety of our guests and crew. We will closely monitor the storm, and provide our guests with daily updates. The current changes are outlined below.

September 8th cruise: The ship will have a full day in Nassau, Bahamas on Tuesday, September 11th, and will then set sail to Port Canaveral, Florida where she will be in port on Wednesday, September 12th and Thursday, September 13th. We expect Grandeur to arrive in Baltimore no later than Sunday, September 16th.  

September 13th cruise: The departure date and time, as well as the itinerary, are currently being finalized. We do not expect the departure date to be later than Sunday, September 16th. We will provide another update at 7 pm EDT, September 11th.

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